Friday 18 March 2011


Now that I'm adding relevant titles to my posts, it should make it easier.

The basic gameplay is shown in the pictures below:
This is an example of the AR cards we'll use. They'll be printed off of course. These should come on the form of character and move cards. 

The above picture is a simulation of the webcam's output. This shows two AR character cards laid out on a table, and the AR generated Pokemon we'll have made 3D models of. In this example I've used Pikachu and Lickitung. 

Here we see the player use a move card with Pikachu. This causes Pikachu to attack Lickitung. The attack animations will pretty simple, usually with a slightly different maneuver for each different attack. However the animations for being attacked will be the same generic 'flinch'. All in all it's going to be pretty similar to that in this video:

The game mechanics will be more or less the same as the pokemon games on the game boy, with 4 different attack moves. Status reducing moves will reduce the opponent's defence (so your future attacks will deal more do more damage), and damaging moves will reduce the opponent's hit points. The original idea was to make something closer to the Pokemon trading card game, but that would prove too complex for such a short timeframe. The entire project will be demonstrated next week during the sessions. We'll have everything laid out on a desk and will use one of our laptops running the application (made using ARtoolkit and in Flash) with the webcam feed hooked up to the projector so everyone can see our awesomeness.

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