Friday 18 March 2011

Specifications and Design.

Hopefully these ideas will allow us to ensure we get everything ticked off and completed, as well as showing us what the 'game' needs to do and ideas that go without saying, but are still important to document and make sure they're taken into account.

The idea/game/interactive display must:

Use a method of crossing over the physical and digital 'worlds'. This will be done by using AR markers, flash, and a webcam. We initially thought to use QR codes, but realised they could only be use to link to web pages, rather than display augmented reality information. (Although according to the video I found at the bottom of the page, it looks like this is changing).

Enable the user to view the characters in a 'real world' environment.

Be accessible to all age groups. The product should not contain any adult material, or anything that someone would find offensive. The product should be simple enough to entertain children, and complex enough to appeal to adults - perhaps in adults case, the product would be appealing because it is a memory from their childhood, and the technology is new - it could be especially interesting for older adults who have witnessed the long development processes of items like mobile phones.

Be a positive and enjoyable experience - the aim of the product is to be fun, interesting and engaging.

The idea/game/interactive display should:

Allow the user to view all angles of the creature displayed. They should be able to pick the marker up, and rotate the marker to view the creature from all sides. This will allow the user to feel part of the product, allowing them to experience AR first hand. This interactivity is an important aspect.

Use a variety of characters - one character would be a little boring. Ideally, all three characters would be able to be displayed on the screen at once, each using their own individual AR marker.

If the project were to be developed to its full potential, the outcome would be a totally 're-vamped' and updated version of a trading card game, allowing players to fight their creatures, have effects appear on the desk / other surface, and view a large spectrum of different creatures, with many animations.

N Building from Alexander Reeder on Vimeo.

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